Choosing To Go Back to School

  • How The Military And An Online Education Can Help Your Directionless Child Succeed

    6 November 2019

    Like any good parent, you love your child dearly and you want the best for them in all situations. However, your child had a strange high school career. They didn't fail classes but didn't excel mostly due to a lack of educational direction and an interest in sports that won't fuel a professional career. In this situation, the military and an online education may be a great choice. Many Athletic Children Get Confused After High School

  • Three Different Types Of Educational Approaches Used In Child Care Centers

    4 November 2019

    Every child care center across the country chooses for itself a child education approach. There are three main approaches to teaching babies, preschoolers, and young elementary school children. Here are those three approaches so that you, as a parent, can decide which approach you want for your child(ren) when you place your child(ren) in a daycare facility.  Teacher-Centered Approach This is a traditional teaching approach, where the teacher leads the children from one activity to the next, giving children time to engage with each activity and learn what they can from it.

  • Considering Aviation School Or Becoming A Military Pilot? What To Consider

    30 September 2019

    If you want to become a pilot and you think you want to fly commercial flights, then you will need to get a formal education and go into an aviation program. If you aren't sure if you want to fly fighter jets or possibly just fly on your own, there are other options to suit you as well. Here are some of the things to take into consideration when you are trying to figure out what career path you want to take.