Choosing To Go Back to School

  • Factors to Consider When Choosing a Daycare Option for Your Child

    5 May 2020

    In an ideal world, parents would be able to stay home with their children indefinitely. However, this is often not the case and parents need to get back to work after their child reaches a certain age. That is where daycare comes in. Choosing the right daycare for your child can seem like a daunting task, but it does not have to be. All you have to do is get to know some important factors to consider when choosing a daycare center for your child.

  • Classroom Observations And Walkthroughs: How To Reduce Anxiety And Impress Your Observer!

    26 February 2020

    Teaching is a very demanding job.  Not only do teachers spend hours each day in front of students teaching, but they have to plan great lessons that are able to reach each student and meet standards. Teachers also have to provide a classroom that accommodates the different learning styles of all students.  Planned observations and unplanned classroom walkthroughs can be nerve-wracking for teachers. Teaching children is one thing, but having peers or superiors watch is a whole different ballgame.

  • 5 Benefits Of Enrolling Your Child In Daycare

    13 January 2020

    It can be a challenge for parents to take care of their children 24/7. While you love and care for your child, you probably have many other responsibilities that take up your time. Whether you're working full-time or have other needs to handle, investing in daycare can be a great solution. You can get help with child care, and your kid can spend time with their peers. Here are some of the benefits of enrolling your child in daycare: 

  • 5 Reasons To Enroll Your Child In Preschool

    11 December 2019

    As your child continues to grow up and approaches school age, you may decide to enroll them in a pre-kindergarten or preschool. This is a perfect way for them to be introduced to school and to start getting on a regular schedule before entering kindergarten. There are many pre-kindergarten programs out there and you likely have many great options in your local area. Here are some reasons you should enroll your child in preschool.

  • 4 Tips For Maintaining A Work-Life Balance As An EMBA Student

    4 December 2019

    As an executive MBA student, you will be attending school and completing a master's degree while continuing to work within your field. Attending a master's program and working a full-time, high-level job can be really demanding and make it really challenging to maintain a good work-life balance during this time period of your life. Create a Detailed and Effective Schedule When you are dealing with juggling classes, work, and your at-home commitments, you want to make sure you have mapped out an effective schedule.

  • Benefits You Gain By Pursuing A Career In Electrical Trade School Training

    30 November 2019

    There is a myth that has been passed around by those who possibly do not know any better. The myth is that undergoing trade school electrical training will not lead you to a rewarding and financially stable career. The truth about this issue, on the contrary, is that when you pursue this type of training and graduate, you definitely stand a better chance of immediately finding a job through apprenticeship and then finding your way to a rewarding career thereafter.

  • Tips For Preparing Your Teen For Driving

    13 November 2019

    Learning to drive is a rite of passage, and it's also something that takes a lot of preparation. While getting a driver's license is something your teenager will be very excited about, you want to make sure they are as prepared as possible before they take their driver's test. One thing that you should realize is once your teen gets their license, they will likely stop paying as much attention to your advice on driving.