Choosing To Go Back to School

  • 5 Reasons To Enroll Your Child In Preschool

    11 December 2019

    As your child continues to grow up and approaches school age, you may decide to enroll them in a pre-kindergarten or preschool. This is a perfect way for them to be introduced to school and to start getting on a regular schedule before entering kindergarten. There are many pre-kindergarten programs out there and you likely have many great options in your local area. Here are some reasons you should enroll your child in preschool.

  • Tips For Preparing Your Teen For Driving

    13 November 2019

    Learning to drive is a rite of passage, and it's also something that takes a lot of preparation. While getting a driver's license is something your teenager will be very excited about, you want to make sure they are as prepared as possible before they take their driver's test. One thing that you should realize is once your teen gets their license, they will likely stop paying as much attention to your advice on driving.

  • Three Different Types Of Educational Approaches Used In Child Care Centers

    4 November 2019

    Every child care center across the country chooses for itself a child education approach. There are three main approaches to teaching babies, preschoolers, and young elementary school children. Here are those three approaches so that you, as a parent, can decide which approach you want for your child(ren) when you place your child(ren) in a daycare facility.  Teacher-Centered Approach This is a traditional teaching approach, where the teacher leads the children from one activity to the next, giving children time to engage with each activity and learn what they can from it.

  • Considering Aviation School Or Becoming A Military Pilot? What To Consider

    30 September 2019

    If you want to become a pilot and you think you want to fly commercial flights, then you will need to get a formal education and go into an aviation program. If you aren't sure if you want to fly fighter jets or possibly just fly on your own, there are other options to suit you as well. Here are some of the things to take into consideration when you are trying to figure out what career path you want to take.